Dear Rev. Rick,
Why do big events occur on even years: the Olympics, Elections, etc…? Are they afraid the odds are against them, in other words is it based in superstition?

Dear JRAS,
Big events occur on even years because the Universe began at Year 0. That was a mighty big event. We weren't even there and we're still hearing about the party from nerdy scientists who weren't even invited to the "Big Bang".
Early attempts to even describe the event always fall short of capturing the essence of the event. On day-one after the bang it was "Remember yesterday? That was really cool!" and as days went by and years went by it was "The Super Awesome Event that happened that one time".
As man came onto the planet evolving from the pure boundless energy from "The Greatest Party Ever Thrown" he evolved and evolved and some species of man branched into the Nerd-anderthal and the Geekazoid. They were not interested in recreating parties, events, or "big bangin parties". While others were honoring the "Really Fun Thing that happened before any of us could remember" They were trying to figure out what happened while they were in their basement playing Magic the Gathering.

What they did do was study it with telescopes like a Geeky frat nerd watching a panty raid.
All the while Humans were having major events and important things fall on even numbered dates. They don't even remember the "Big Bang" at this point because they were so loaded at the time, but all these events are smaller and smaller "after parties" if you will, timed and synchronized to the beginning of time in honor of "The Greatest Party Ever Thrown"

See What I mean?
Reverend Rick
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