I have not received one as of yet. I am writing this on Friday to post automatically on Monday morning. I am assuming I didn't get fan mail over the weekend either.
May I ask, what did you do over the weekend that was so pressing you couldn't talk to the Reverend?? Hmmm? The Lord has a temper, and how much more is my temper considering how much less of a man/god i am than him....

So. I'm pissed. But that's ok. (this is actually a pre-emptive pissyness considering this was written friday and i expect no mail this weekend.)
I'm going to let it slide though. And just for your benefit I will include one more sample readers question to get the ball rolling....(lets not make a habit out of this).
Dear Reverend Rick,
I have a hole in my jock and I have never worn it. In fact I do not play sports and have never even bought one. Why is this?
Holden McCrotch
Brighton MA
Dear Mr. McCrotch,
What the hell is your question? Are you asking me why you have a hole in your Jock or why you are so ignorant as to believe it is actually yours? If you've never bought one and don't play sports, either it was a gift from someone that doesn't know you very well or you stole it. Either way you are a stinking dirty liar who has a hole in his jock. Maybe you will consider next time that you are the jock and your story is also the jock. The end.
Loves and Kisses,
Reverend Rick
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